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It is purposely dedicated for innovative students. Here we encourage students who have new concepts and projects in various domains.


Paper publishing is by far the most important and the ultimate part of any successful research work. The most important factor is, that the fate of months and years of excruciating research work will be judged based on the quality and crispness of the paper published based on the research. Hence a lot of your resources- both mental and physical need to be expended in a stream lined fashion to publish a paper which is fool proof in all aspects. Paper Publication has gained greater importance in the recent times with the journals implicating strict standards, high defined plagiarism checks and much more.

Here at SPIRO we have an exclusive team of specialists who are well versed in this genre. We will guide you in identifying the back ground problem, analyzing it, making the literature survey, identifying the quality journals with impact factor etc. We assure you of your research work getting published in a journal having adequate impact factor.

The Steps involving the Paper Publication shall be


We ensure the Staff / Student our complete supports & technical assistance during the entire course of the Paper Publication, starting from the Problem Statement definition & Identification till the Certificate Issuance of Paper Publication..

Training and Developemet, Engg Projects
So far we have provided R&D training for more than 1,00,000 engineering Students.
Latest Projects 2012, Latest Technologiy Project
Had conducted seminars in the recent trends of technology at various colleges.
Our research projects had been presented in various National & International Conferences.
Most of our projects were identified by the industries as suitable for their needs.
Our n-number of students got research scholarship to extend our assisted projects for further development.
Training and Developemt, Project Development in Chennai
SPIRO guarantees small class sizes.
Final Year Projects
SPIRO guarantees quality instructors.
Student Projects, Stupros
SPIRO guarantees competence.
Projects, student projects
SPIRO guarantees that training from SPIRO will be more cost-effective than training from any other source.
Final Year Projects, Projects, student projects
SPIRO guarantees that students in open-enrollment classes are protected against cancellations and will be able to receive desired training at the cost they expect and in the time frame they have planned.
Projects for student
SPIRO guarantees overall quality with a 100% money-back guarantee. If you're not totally satisfied for any reason, simply withdraw before the second day of any class. Notify the instructor and return all course materials and you will receive a 100% refund.
#78, 3rd Floor, Usman Road, T.Nagar, Chennai-17.
(Upstair Hotel Saravana Bhavan) Tamilnadu, India.

For ECE,EEE,E&I, E&C & Mechanical,Civil, Bio-Medical
Mobile : +91-9962 067 067, +91-9176 499 499
Email: spiroprojects@gmail.com

Mobile: +91-9791 044 044, +91-9176 644 044
E-Mail: spirogroups@gmail.com
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