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It is purposely dedicated for innovative students. Here we encourage students who have new concepts and projects in various domains.

Soft Skills

Institutional Training primarily includes initial professional grooming training and subsequent preparation to enable smooth transition into the corporate sector. It is primarily conducted at various institutional centres and universities focussing on skill enhancement modules for the students.

  • Employablity Development Program
  • Skill Development Program
  • Expert Conclave
  • Employability Development Program (EDP)

    EDP is a structured approach module towards sensitizing a student with the growing expectations of the corporate sector. The module focuses on key elements of enhacing the employability quotient of the student furthermore joining hands with the institution in having the students prepared for the challeging world outside the campus.

    EDP focuses on specific skills and areas which would transform the personality of the student and which would infuse immense confidence in the student. The module is spread accross 4 semesters starting from the 3rd - 6th with each semester focussing on developing specific skills. As part of the module Spiro ensures timely interactions with industry experts and HR leaders for better understanding and exposure. Leadership team members are invited to share their experiences and provide guidance on various spectrum of a professionals life.

    The module enables students in understanding and analysing the challenges of the cororate sector and help them build individual strategies. The focus is on "hearing it from the horses mouth" approach.

    Spiro ensures a certification at the end of the module and coordinates placement interviews with companies if required.

  • Skill Development Program - SDP

    SDP is a quick capsule on the basics skills required to step into the corporate world. it is a brief version of EDP. The module focuses on a quick preparation module before the campus selection season starts as to enable the students to apporach the campus interviews with high confidence for desired results.

  • Expert Conclave (EC)

    Experts from various sectors and domains from the leadership team to share their experiences and provide guidance on their specific fields on the various career options and technical nuances of the job. The module to assist students in understanding and analysing the challenges of the cororate sector and help them build individual strategies. The module focuses on "hearing it from the horses mouth" approach.

Training and Developemet, Engg Projects
So far we have provided R&D training for more than 1,00,000 engineering Students.
Latest Projects 2012, Latest Technologiy Project
Had conducted seminars in the recent trends of technology at various colleges.
Our research projects had been presented in various National & International Conferences.
Most of our projects were identified by the industries as suitable for their needs.
Our n-number of students got research scholarship to extend our assisted projects for further development.
Training and Developemt, Project Development in Chennai
SPIRO guarantees small class sizes.
Final Year Projects
SPIRO guarantees quality instructors.
Student Projects, Stupros
SPIRO guarantees competence.
Projects, student projects
SPIRO guarantees that training from SPIRO will be more cost-effective than training from any other source.
Final Year Projects, Projects, student projects
SPIRO guarantees that students in open-enrollment classes are protected against cancellations and will be able to receive desired training at the cost they expect and in the time frame they have planned.
Projects for student
SPIRO guarantees overall quality with a 100% money-back guarantee. If you're not totally satisfied for any reason, simply withdraw before the second day of any class. Notify the instructor and return all course materials and you will receive a 100% refund.
#78, 3rd Floor, Usman Road, T.Nagar, Chennai-17.
(Upstair Hotel Saravana Bhavan) Tamilnadu, India.

For ECE,EEE,E&I, E&C & Mechanical,Civil, Bio-Medical
Mobile : +91-9962 067 067, +91-9176 499 499
Email: spiroprojects@gmai.com

Mobile: +91-9791 044 044, +91-9176 644 044
E-Mail: spirogroups@gmail.com
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