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Noninvasive Monitoring Device to Evaluate Sleep Quality at Mining Facilities
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Noninvasive Monitoring Device to Evaluate Sleep Quality at Mining Facilities

Category : RTOS

Sub Category : Security alert System

Project Code : ITROS05

Project Abstract


            The mining industry is constantly looking to improve the safety of mine operators and their productivity. The sleep quality of mine workers is an important issue related to both goals. Miners are usually exposed to hard working shifts in a hostile environment, which can lead to deficient rest between shifts. Inadequate sleep is related to fatigue and higher risk of accidents. Sleep quality is traditionally evaluated by specialized medical personnel through polysomnography by measuring apneas, body movements (BMs), and the time in bed (TB), among other parameters, trying to determine the sleep depth. We present a noninvasive sleep evaluation device based on pressure sensors on the bed that can be used to measure relevant parameters to estimate sleep quality. This device can be easily unobtrusively installed at mining facilities and provide the TB, the respiration frequency, BMs, apnea events, and the sleep depth. We present preliminary results that validate the device for future studies at mining sites and as a new hazard control mechanism.


Existing System

Proposed System

     In existing  system, there is no device to monitor the sleep.

  Only the manually monitor the environment and mine workers

    No automation to find the  Inadequate sleep




     Sometimes a chance to lost lifes

     Slow response


Ø  The proposed system the pressure sensor and along with breath sensor respiration rate and heart rate is determined.

Ø  The recordings of the sensor readings suspected problems are analyzed and if abnormal is present it will activate alert.


     Fast response.

     Detect the sleep problems.

   Breathing problem during the asthma can be rectified.

   Easy to use in Hospitals and in Homes

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