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Project Zone > Software > Network Security

Secure Ordered Bucketization

Category : Network Security

Sub Category : DOTNET

Project Code : ITDNS09

Project Desc : We propose the ordered bucketization (OB) technique. It as a cryptographic object. In OB, plaintext space is divided into p disjoint buckets, numbered from 1 to p, based on the order of the ranges that they cover.


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Privacy-Preserving Clinical Decision Support System Using Gaussian Kernel-Based Classification

Category : Network Security

Sub Category : DOTNET

Project Code : ITDNS10

Project Desc : A clinical decision support system forms a critical capability to link health observations with health knowledge to influence choices by clinicians for improved healthcare. Recent trends toward remote outsourcing can be exploited to provide efficient and accurate clinical decision support in healthcare.


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Sybil Belief: A Semi-supervised earning Approach for Structure-based Sybil Detection

Category : Network Security

Sub Category : DOTNET

Project Code : ITDNS11

Project Desc : Sybil accounts in online social networks are used for criminal activities such as spreading spam or malware stealing other user private information and manipulating web search results. We introduce Sybil belief a semi supervised learning framework to detect Sybil nodes.


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Structural Diversity for esisting Community Identification in Published Social Networks

Category : Network Security

Sub Category : DOTNET

Project Code : ITDNS12

Project Desc : As an increasing number of social networking data is published and shared for commercial and research purposes, privacy issues about the individuals in social networks have become serious concerns. Vertex identification, which identifies a particular user from a network based on background knowledge such as vertex degree, is one of the most important problems that have been addressed.


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Training and Developemet, Engg Projects
So far we have provided R&D training for more than 1,00,000 engineering Students.
Latest Projects 2012, Latest Technologiy Project
Had conducted seminars in the recent trends of technology at various colleges.
Our research projects had been presented in various National & International Conferences.
Most of our projects were identified by the industries as suitable for their needs.
Our n-number of students got research scholarship to extend our assisted projects for further development.
Training and Developemt, Project Development in Chennai
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Final Year Projects
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Projects, student projects
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Final Year Projects, Projects, student projects
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