- Origin and Design Goals of Perl
- Overview of Perl Features
- Getting and Installing Perl
- Accessing Documentation via perldoc
- HTML-Format Reference Documentation
- Perl Strengths and Limitations
Using Variables |
- Scalar Variables
- Introduction to Standard Data Types
- Retrieving Standard Input Using the Default Variable $_
- Reserved Scalar Variables
- Assigning Strings and Numbers to Scalar Variables
- Declaring Constants for Persistent Values
- Using strict to Declare Variables
Operators |
- Introduction to Fundamental Operators
- Operator Precedence and Associativity
- Using the Ternary Operator ?: as a Shortcut for the if Statement
- Using <FILEHANDLE> and <> File I/O Operators for Standard Input/Output
- Using the Shortcut Operators +=, -=, *=, /=
String Manipulation |
- String Comparison
- String Relations
- Concatenation
- Substring Manipulation
- Using chomp and chop to Eliminate EOL Characters
- Escape Characters for Formatting
- String Manipulation Functions
Subroutines and Parameters |
- Simplifying Scripts with Subroutines
- Defining and Calling a Subroutine
- Passing Arguments by Value
- Passing Arguments by Reference
- Using return to Return a Value
- Controlling Variable Scope using my and local Keywords
Packages and Modules |
- The Power of Packages and Modules
- Introduction to Standard Modules
- Where to Find Modules on the Internet
- Installing a Module on UNIX or Windows
- Creating Packages for Portability
- Using Packages to Create Isolated Namespaces and to Separate Code
- Creating Modules
- Creating and Using Symbols in a Module
- Using the Exporter to Export Symbols from a Perl Module.
File and Directory I/O |
- Using open and close
- File Open Modes
- Reading Files into Arrays
- Retrieving File Metadata
- Built-in File Management Functions
- Using print and write
- File Test Operators
- Directory Manipulation Using opendir, closedir, readdir, chdir, mkdir and rmdir
Implementing Command Line Arguments |
- Reading Command Line Arguments from @ARGV
- Read Files Explicitly with <ARGV> and Implicitly with <>
- Manipulating Positional Parameters with push, pop, shift
- Process Lists of Files
- Processing Command Line Options with getopt or getopts
- Analyzing Command Line Argument Values with the Getopt::Std and Getopt::Long Modules
- Reserved Variables
- Manipulating Identifiable Options Using GetOptions
Debugging In Perl |
- Using the Built-in Perl Debugger
- Starting the Debugger
- Debugger Command Syntax
- Checking for Script Syntax Errors
- Solving Compile-Time Errors
- Single-Stepping through a Script
- Executing to Breakpoints
- Setting Global Watches
- Printing Values of Variables
- Listing All Variables Used in the Script
- Using Strict Error Checking
- Quitting the Debugger
Accessing a Database Using Perl DBI |
- Database Access Life Cycle
- Using DBI and DBD to Connect to a Database
- Fundamental Data Storage and Retrieval Strategies
- DBI Query Syntax
- Using DBI Methods to Retrieve Database Information
- Preparing Queries to be Executed
- Creating Parameterized Queries
- Executing Queries Using execute and do
- Fetching the Result Set to Achieve Workable Data in the Perl Script
- Extracting Data Using an Array
- Extracting Data Using a Hash
- Useful Utilities to Aid in Database Development
- Using Other Modules to Access Databases on the Web
- Extracting Data Using a Hash
- Displaying Results from Queries in a Report
- Releasing Database Resources
CGI Scripting with Perl |
- Perl's Role in Distributed Web Applications
- Using Environment Variables to Control CGI Scripts
- Communicating with the Web Server
- Perl CGI Script Instantiation and Invocation
- Generating Output for the Browser
- CGI Security Mechanisms
Configuring a Web Server for CGI |
- Servers and CGI
- The Apache httpd.conf File
- Aliasing Standard Directories in Apache
- Using Standard Apache-Aliased Directories
- The Default Apache cgi-bin Directory
- Aliasing CGI-Enabled Directories in Apache
Generating Dynamic Web Pages Using Perl/CGI |
- Generating Dynamic Web Pages and Dynamic Content
- The Role of JavaScript
- Generating JavaScript Using CGI
- Displaying Data in Tables
- Using Environment Variables to Control CGI Scripts
- Displaying Data from Files
- CGI Output Stream Buffering
Processing HTML Forms with Perl CGI |
- Creating and Submitting HTML Forms
- HTML Input Elements
- Submitting a Form
- Form Interaction Summary
- Populating Form Elements Using CGI
- Processing HTML Forms
- Characteristics of the GET Method
- GET Method Environment Variables
- Characteristics of the POST Method
- POST Method Environment Variables
- Using Form Data Validation to Check Data Values
Form Processing with CGI.pm |
- Classes of CGI.pm Methods
- Specifying Arguments for HTML Tags
- Differentiating Blank & Missing Parameters
- Using Passed Parameters as Numbers
Performance Optimization Using ModPerl |
- Overview of Apache Web Server Functionality
- Comparing the Speed of CGI Scripting vs. ModPerl
- Configuring Apache with Perl and ModPerl
- Apache Strengths and Limitations
- Using the Apache::Registry Module
- Extending and Enhancing Apache Functionality